Digital Dialogs

Participating in Digital Dialogs is a way for you to articulate your scholarly and pedagogical interests with hot topics in rhetoric, writing, digital humanities, and technology. There are three ways to get a Digital Dialogs badge: capturing your participation in a conference, symposium, colloquium, or academic event; publishing in a scholarly venue; conducting, capturing, and publishing an interview or roundtable online. You can participate in Digital Dialogs in a variety of online communities and/or publications that deal with intersections of rhetoric, writing, and technology, including HASTAC, Kairos, Enculturation, Blogging Pedagogy, the Blogora, the Chronicle of Higher Education, or Inside Higher Ed. You may also participate in Digital Dialogs from your own website or social network provided that you engage others in the conversation.
You must earn at least one Digital Dialogs badge by exploring one of the topics (below). Participation does not have to be purely text-based, so some of your examples may overlap with your other digital artifacts.
Some topics of Digital Dialogs include:
- Collaborative digital research and authorship
- Collaborative strategies in the digital classroom
- Assessing collaborative and multimedia assignments
- Remediated texts and mash-ups
- Hybridity and online genres
- Online and offline identities
- Cyborg, posthuman, transhuman subjects
- Object oriented ontology
- Speculative realism
- Mixing digital and non-digital assignments
- Privacy issues
- Access to technology (digital divide)
- Accessibility
- Fair use, copyright, and copyleft
- Public scholarship (open access)
- Ebooks and apps
- Serious games
- Digital activism
- Digital scholarship and hiring, promotion, and tenure
- Ergonomic computing
- Mobile technologies
- Queer and feminist new media spaces
- Race, ethnicity, and diaspora in digital age
Each Digital Dialog submission should be accompanied by a 250-500 word written explanation that offers some reasons for your choice of venue, audience, etc., as well as a sense of context and impact.